applied statistical consulting,
and training services for R&D, product, process,
and manufacturing engineering organizations.
Quality Tools of the
In the early 1980s, Carl Mentch at GE Lighting in
Cleveland wrote a series of short documents describing fundamental
statistical methods that he called Quality Tools of the Trade.
These wonderful documents included: a short explanation of the
method, data requirements and conditions for use, the procedure,
one or more lighting-specific example problems, and a
lighting-specific homework problem. I (Paul) was lucky to receive
these documents and I even got to attend some of the popular
seminars held at GE by Carl and others on these topics. GE
Lighting still reproduces Carl's original Quality Tools of the
Trade for their new engineers.
The documents listed below are our own Quality Tools of the Trade.
Some of the documents are on topics originally picked by Carl but
there are many others that we've added over the years. We use
these documents as appendices for our various course materials and
we also let customers pick from the list to design their own
custom Tools of the Trade courses. Each topic can be covered in a
1.0-1.5 hour session which includes time to work through the
example problems and for discussion.